Strategist. Artist. Writer.

Dark grey storm cloud rolling in from the left over the sea, with bright light piercing through from behind the cloud to create shafts of light across the ocean.



I’m Zanna, a multi-disciplined strategist with over 13 years experience working in London Creative Agencies, an artist that focuses on capturing the essence of a natural space in 2D, and a writer currently working on their first book.

Jagged coastline with sheer cliffs falling into the still azure sea, highlighting a small cove hidden between the rocks.
Jagged coastline with sheer cliffs falling into the still azure sea, highlighting a small cove hidden between the rocks.

What I do


Guide brands to uncover where they should / could be heading.

Create new paths and future states for brands, products and companies.

Analyse what’s currently working / not to identify opportunities and challenges.

Coach teams and individuals to realise their potential.


Creating pieces that immerse the viewing in the space and light captured on canvas, developing windows into worlds that change the way you feel by being in their presence. 


Transposing the ideas and thoughts in my head so others can gain insight into topics and methodologies that might be of use, and even better, might change things for the positive. 

Currently working on my first book based on my years working in agencies through huge personal and industry change.


A wind-shaped tree on the top of a coastal path with a sky streaked with orange and cream as the sun sets behind it.